David Carr, M.A/M.F.T.
5 min readNov 13, 2020


Clean Energy Resources in U.S. Government Departments and Agencies

November 12, 2020

Dear President Elect Biden, Vice President Elect Harris, and my fellow Americans.

First, I am thankful the presidency of 45 has ended. The future belongs to the grandchildren, which makes the present our responsibility. Numerous abusive GOP environmental and energy policies are undermining the sustainability of our world, while increasing the long-term costs of climate change.

As a self-employed environmental educator, I have endured a difficult period of time in our recent national history, with you and everyone else. In 2018 I founded http://earthlobbyist.com as a method and means to educate people about climate change. I also founded Twitter @earthlobbtyist and #earthlobbyist as vehicles to support the Democratic platform of sustainable, environmentally responsible politics that Joe Bidon and Kamala Harris have endorsed.

On Nov 11, 2021 It appears there is a lack of United States Government commitment to the education and advocacy of clean energy, as evidenced by my preliminary review of “The A-Z Index of U.S. Government Departments and Agencies.” None of these agency titles suggest any specific mission or commitment to Clean Energy Awareness, Return on Investment, Financing or Economic Development Value.

Please note, I did find this resource to be helpful < https://www.nrcs.usda.gov/wps/portal/nrcs/site/national/home/> once I explored the website.

Based on this preliminary research I propose the Biden Harris Transition Team has the opportunity and responsibility to create a visible presence and commitment to sustainable, carbon free energy by establishing new agencies, which I have created possible names and mission statements for, and would support with my experience and presence. I believe that creating something new will attract new energy and hope.

Proposed Commission on Environmental Climate Education — Mission Statement- to provide a one stop cost benifit educational resource addressing energy conservation, energy generation and climate science to address Climate Change Denial Syndrome, https://climate.nasa.gov/evidence/ is one good example

Proposed Department of Energy Conservation — Mission statement- to identify finance and implement clean energy generation and conservation technology in homes, municipalities and businesses conserve

Proposed Bureau of Carbon Neutral Climate Affairs -Mission statement — to provide education regarding diplomatic and trade incentives neighboring nations, increasing their ability to access implement carbon neutral technology

Proposed Center for Environmental Climate Affairs-Mission statement — to provide diplomatic incentives, vocational transition assistance and educational resources to industries, municipalities and communities that rely on Carbon fuels for industry and energy production. One example is education of residents in high wind coal country about the cost benefits of wind, geothermal and solar power generation as a sustainable community income development stream,

Proposed National Institute of Environmental Climate Education and Climate Affairs — Mission statement — to provide a one stop point of reference of existing academic and scientific resources, fund climate change and energy efficiency research, and organize public education action events

Proposed Office of Fossil Free Energy-Mission statement — to coordinate the service delivery of all U.S. Government Clean Energy Offices, with a proposed location of 150 Court Street. New Haven, CT 06510 with hours. Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. — 5:00 p.m in the Robert N. Giaimo Federal Building.

As I reviewed the “The A-Z Index of U.S. Government Departments and Agencies.” I made the following observations

A)-Existing Energy Information Administration has nothing I found about clean power, all gas and oil market data https://www.energy.gov/energysaver/energy-saver

B)-Existing Department of Energy < https://www.energy.gov> Lots of talk about the economic impacts of oil and fracking with nothing I saw about solar , and conservation of energy, since production of carbon energy is the focus. a) Energy Blog has nothing I could find about solar or geothermal or battery discusses wind b) Energy News has nothing I saw about clean energy. yet when I search “government energy efficiency” I was directed here which is good .. https://www.energy.gov/energysaver/energy-saver

C)-Existing Industry and Security < https://www.bis.doc.gov> Advances U.S. national security, foreign policy, and economic objectives by ensuring an effective export control and treaty compliance system and promoting continued U.S. strategic technology leadership yet has nothing I could find about clean energy technology incentives

D)- Existing Marketing and Regulatory Programs has nothing I could find about energy conservation of use on the home page. This team does provide “MRP IT provides information technology planning, design, application development, systems administration, telecommunications, security, and information management and customer support services for APHIS.” This is the type of information that needs to be marketed and about clean energy

E)- EXISTING — North West Energy Council — — Not much here about non hydro generation I could find….



F)- Good Resource Here-, not much education or advocacy https://www.hud.gov/program_offices/comm_planning/environment_energy

G)- Here we find the Office of Fossil Energy, https://www.energy.gov/fe/office-fossil-energy

however I cannot find the Office of Fossil Free Energy

H) epa.gov has nothing about conservation on their home page, however I can search and find what seems to be a 2015 planning document https://www.epa.gov/sites/production/files/2015-08/documents/napee_chap6.pdf

I) At the https://www.epa.gov/environmental-topics/greener-living section I see nothing obvious about solar or wind power. If I continue to search we find the term “repowering” https://www.epa.gov/re-powering which has good solar info.

If I have failed to locate any resources please let me know, as my intent is to make tomorrow a better place

— — — — — — — — — — — — -PART TWO — — — — 2020 Earthlobbyist.com Outreach Report

1)- https://www.gofundme.com/f/earthlobbyistcom-swingstatetour This past September I created an unsuccessful fundraiser for a Pennsylvania swing state tour to support climate education directed at people who do not access (by choice or lack of service) educational resources about clean energy job creation and economic values.

2) https://cwos.viewingrooms.com/artists/220-dave-carr/ This is a ten panel virtual art gallery which will be available through Dec 31, 2020

3) https://twitter.com/EarthLobbyist An Earthlobbyist will: 1)Meet climate change deniers where they live and vote, 2) Provide carbon reduction solutions and 3) Teach others to do the same.

— — — — -PART THREE — — — — — — — — -Next Steps — -

In closing, I will continue to advocate for carbon reduction in our atmosphere by all means necessary.

Climate Change Denial Syndrome (in earthlobbyist.com ) is an affliction and perceptual condition that causes people to deny the frightening reality of climate change. Please let me know how and when I may be of service to my country and our future.


David Carr, MA




David Carr, M.A/M.F.T.

Author of “4015 Days”&“Virtual Immersion Drowns Holistic Development”, Wetlands Commissioner, Environmentalist, Systemic Counselor, REALTOR since 1996